Saturday, April 14, 2018

4/9 - 4/11

I'm starting to see the merit of writing these blog entries the day they actually occur instead of a week later so I actually remember what I did that day. I remember on Monday we as a class spent more time trying to convince you to not have thesis than actually working on thesis. I also remember actually working on thesis on Friday. Wednesday is a mystery lost to time and subpar memory.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

4/3 - 4/5

On Tuesday I struggled to complete government homework. Today I am struggling to express memorize all the amendments of the Constitution. A Bad Time.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

3/27 - 3/29

I was absent on Tuesday.

On Thursday, I wrote two sentences, realized I forgot to do homework, did that, and time passed. Please pass me in thesis, Ms. Dewberry so I can graduate.